Tape Preamp – already assembled pedal


The FX Teacher Tape Preamp is a preamp that pushes your amp to its limits and gives it the gorgeous sonic depth of a tape echo.

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a very simple boost…

It all started as an FX Teacher project.
The Ego Driver and Tremolo circuits were a little too complex for the masterclasses to be done with few components and a better flow,
so the Anasounds team got to work on a simpler boost pedal.
But that attempt at something simple was short-lived.

Originally, development started with the transistor preamp from a famous US-made tape echo that existed between 1970 and 1991,
one that can be heard on countless records in every genre.
Many pedals derived from that circuit have been part of millions of modern pedalboards, so it seemed like a good starting point.

…with a huge potential

The FX Teacher Tape Preamp gets you that big warm original JFET sound instead of turning it into a tame clean boost like other pedals do.
The Tape Preamp sounds as fat and vibey as the actual preamp from a tape echo, the only difference being the control you get over the general sound
(and the fact that you don’t have to lug a bulky echo box around for your concerts).
The Louder knob controls the volume of the boost while Dynamic controls the headroom, which allows you to go from a high setting with a nice dynamic sound
to a lower setting that muddies up the sound and gets you the sag of a cranked-up smaller tube amp.
To makes things even better, a three-position switch progressively cuts the low frequencies for the boost no to become too overbearing on an amp that’s already pushing a lot of air.

You thought you’d seen it all in the realm of vintage-tape-echo-inspired boosters ? Plug into the Tape Preamp and surrender to its huge organic and juicy sound.

content of this pack

One Tape Preamp pedal assembled, tested, adjusted. In short, completely finished.

additional information

To discover in detail the Tape Preamp, click here.

To order it, it’s right here. Just add the product to the cart.

To build it yourself, it’s this way.

Weight 0,1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 10 cm

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