Many of you have asked us for a “perfect” selection of tools to build your effect pedal kits. As we all know, the DIY is an initial investment and then, it’s a long-term savings. Provided, of course, that you don’t buy just anything and that you learn the right practices ! I bought a bunch of soldering irons for 10€ at the beginning… If I had been told at the time, I wouldn’t have been so obstinate as to test a dozen of them and then throw them everytime.
We lived this experience for you, all the tools we offer come from a trusted supplier in France, and we tested their WHOLE catalogue. Moreover, considering the huge success of our kits (thank you very much !), don’t worry, there will be more and more kits to come, so you don’t just get equipped for kit but for a real DIY adventure !
After the economic aspect, there’s obviously the fun aspect ! It is super important to be properly equipped to avoid problems and to enjoy these moments as much as possible !
Here are our different offers allowing you to buy only what you need according to your needs and your goals. Let’s go !
i diy with class
You are starting DIY or you have little experience? For example participating in a masterclass where all the tools have been loaned, and you need to fully equip yourself? You don’t want to do just DIY but a nice clean job so that your pedal lasts in time or even works well after you’ve assembled it?
So here’s the perfect list of tools we use in our prototyping lab and lend during the masterclasses ! Enough to do a professional job with amateur volumes. It is great, isn’t it ?
Including all these tools, the 1 Spot and the FX Teacher tester kit we reach a total of 227,76€. Yeah yeah, it hurts ! But in the end for a little less than a boutique pedal, you can equip yourself on the long term with quality equipment to make all your pedals… It makes you think about it !
So, to thank you and incite you to work in the best environment, we offer you here a bundle with all these items for 199€, and we offer you the FX Teacher tester kit !
A Mcgyver soul ? Okay, I’ll give you what in my opinion is very necessary, otherwise I wouldn’t even start ! Beware, it will be less comfortable, and even less clean, but you’ll get there with a bit of determination ! It can, for example, be a starting point before going to acquire what is in the previous list.
There is a total of 78,83€ and with that you can make a pedal from A to Z ! But… in trouble, ahah ! If you start with this briefcase and the soldering tip cleaner, you will be more comfortable and for only a few extra €, 88.98€ ! For me, the choice is easy…
We decided to propose also the same pack of tools as the one used in masterclass. With this, you will be able to assemble any kind of pedal comfortably, without difficulties and without having to invest in other tools later on. It will also allow you to test your pedal during assembly to make sure that each step is validated. However, it is not appropriate for assembling jacks.
With all this, it costs 177,49€. It’s a small investment, but it will be well justified depending on the number of kits you assemble. To encourage you, we propose a complete pack with all these tools, for 159€.
You want to assemble your own patches and guitar cables? We also have all the tools you need to strip and solder in the best conditions! And if you want to be guided step by step to make sure you don’t make any mistakes, we’ve made 2 articles for you. One about patches and guitar cables, the other about stereo jacks, mini jacks, XLR and RCA, with all the detailed steps for each type of cable and connectors.
With all these tools, there are for 119,46€. It may seem like a lot just to make cables, but it will pay off quickly if you have to wire a whole custom pedalboard. And these tools can be used for many other things! You’ll already have the tools to solder if you decide to go for a DIY kit later on. And a screwdriver and a pair of pliers is always useful!
So we also offer you a special pack for DIY jacks, with all these tools, for 99€! With this pack, you’ll have all the tools you need to make all the cables you want!
And to be sure that your cables are perfect, we suggest you take a look at this cable tester. It will allow you to be sure that the cable conducts the signal properly, and especially that there are no micro interruptions, something you won’t see with a multimeter!
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Our selection of tools for building effect pedals and pedalboard cables
Many of you have asked us for a “perfect” selection of tools to build your effect pedal kits.
As we all know, the DIY is an initial investment and then, it’s a long-term savings.
Provided, of course, that you don’t buy just anything and that you learn the right practices !
I bought a bunch of soldering irons for 10€ at the beginning… If I had been told at the time, I wouldn’t have been so obstinate as to test a dozen of them and then throw them everytime.
We lived this experience for you, all the tools we offer come from a trusted supplier in France, and we tested their WHOLE catalogue.
Moreover, considering the huge success of our kits (thank you very much !), don’t worry, there will be more and more kits to come, so you don’t just get equipped for kit but for a real DIY adventure !
After the economic aspect, there’s obviously the fun aspect ! It is super important to be properly equipped to avoid problems and to enjoy these moments as much as possible !
Here are our different offers allowing you to buy only what you need according to your needs and your goals. Let’s go !
i diy with class
You are starting DIY or you have little experience? For example participating in a masterclass where all the tools have been loaned, and you need to fully equip yourself?
You don’t want to do just DIY but a nice clean job so that your pedal lasts in time or even works well after you’ve assembled it?
So here’s the perfect list of tools we use in our prototyping lab and lend during the masterclasses ! Enough to do a professional job with amateur volumes. It is great, isn’t it ?
Including all these tools, the 1 Spot and the FX Teacher tester kit we reach a total of 227,76€. Yeah yeah, it hurts ! But in the end for a little less than a boutique pedal, you can equip yourself on the long term with quality equipment to make all your pedals… It makes you think about it !
So, to thank you and incite you to work in the best environment, we offer you here a bundle with all these items for 199€, and we offer you the FX Teacher tester kit !
mcgyver’s diy
A Mcgyver soul ? Okay, I’ll give you what in my opinion is very necessary, otherwise I wouldn’t even start ! Beware, it will be less comfortable, and even less clean, but you’ll get there with a bit of determination !
It can, for example, be a starting point before going to acquire what is in the previous list.
There is a total of 78,83€ and with that you can make a pedal from A to Z ! But… in trouble, ahah !
If you start with this briefcase and the soldering tip cleaner, you will be more comfortable and for only a few extra €, 88.98€ ! For me, the choice is easy…
the full pack used in masterclass
We decided to propose also the same pack of tools as the one used in masterclass. With this, you will be able to assemble any kind of pedal comfortably, without difficulties and without having to invest in other tools later on. It will also allow you to test your pedal during assembly to make sure that each step is validated. However, it is not appropriate for assembling jacks.
With all this, it costs 177,49€. It’s a small investment, but it will be well justified depending on the number of kits you assemble. To encourage you, we propose a complete pack with all these tools, for 159€.
the tools for diy cables
You want to assemble your own patches and guitar cables? We also have all the tools you need to strip and solder in the best conditions! And if you want to be guided step by step to make sure you don’t make any mistakes, we’ve made 2 articles for you. One about patches and guitar cables, the other about stereo jacks, mini jacks, XLR and RCA, with all the detailed steps for each type of cable and connectors.
With all these tools, there are for 119,46€. It may seem like a lot just to make cables, but it will pay off quickly if you have to wire a whole custom pedalboard. And these tools can be used for many other things! You’ll already have the tools to solder if you decide to go for a DIY kit later on. And a screwdriver and a pair of pliers is always useful!
So we also offer you a special pack for DIY jacks, with all these tools, for 99€! With this pack, you’ll have all the tools you need to make all the cables you want!
And to be sure that your cables are perfect, we suggest you take a look at this cable tester. It will allow you to be sure that the cable conducts the signal properly, and especially that there are no micro interruptions, something you won’t see with a multimeter!
I hope you liked this selection and if you have other questions, don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments section !
Wishing you great discoveries,