FX Driver – full kit


The complete kit to build your own FX Driver.

The FX Driver is exactly the same pedal than our Ego Driver
but with a different name for the US market.

Only 1 left in stock (can be backordered)

The FX Driver is exactly the same pedal than our Ego Driver but with a different name for the US market.
The product is then labelled FX Driver and not Ego Driver.

the fx driver

Inspired by a popular green mid-boost overdrive, the FX Driver is a perfect companion,
allowing to boost a crunched amp as well as to provide a warm and organic overdrive.

The FX Driver can reproduce the vintage sound of the original pedal from which it was inspired,
but it also provides more dynamics thanks to its 18V headroom,
while offering many additional settings for a custom sound.
This is where the FX Teacher concept makes a difference, allowing to create your own overdrive, customize it,
and understand how to set it up to optimize the sound, thanks to all the documentation available on our website.

a new design, and a new voicing

The FX Driver is the first pedal released under the FX Teacher line.
Since then, the range has expanded with new products, and an identity has been established between the different models
(new black enclosure, grey and black design, interchangeable footswitch system…).

That’s why we decided to update the FX Driver, in order to match this new identity.
The circuit remains the same, with only one change.
Indeed, we decided to reconsider the choice of capacitors for the voicing terminal block.
The 22nF, our favorite for strong high mids, is now the upper position of the voicing switch.
Secondly, the three additional capacitors allow for a wider range in the low mids, for even more versatility.

content of this pack

Everything you need to make your FX Driver from A to Z! In other words:

1 FX Driver enclosure with FX Teacher design and all holes already drilled.
1 kit with all the necessary components.
1 PCB FX Driver.
1 true bypass kit with 3PDT.
3 transparent knobs.
1 bag of bonus components to better customize it.

what you might be missing to assemble this kit

1 tester for the FX Teacher method.
Soldering tools, here is our selection if you don’t have enough.

additional information

To discover in detail the FX Driver, click here.

To order it, it’s right here. Just add the product to the cart,
then follow the instruction article right here. (CHANGER LE LIEN)

For the FX Driver already mounted, click here.

Weight 0,5 kg
Dimensions 16 × 12 × 8 cm

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